December 5th: Glory
Submitted by Gabrielle Czaja
When I received my word, Glory, I thought, WHOA. This is a big word. It’s like Mercy. Big, like God. Big, like the love we receive from Jesus. God’s glory and Jesus’ love is so vast, so magnificent, so available, I need to sit down. If you can, I invite you to sit right now also. Choose to put your feet flat on the ground. And if you are standing as you read this, choose to notice the solid earth underneath you. Acknowledging the support that is right here when confronted with something remarkable and overwhelming makes it easier to take it all in. God’s love and Jesus’ presence in our lives is here for us at this very moment.
It is glorious—all this love, the gift of forgiveness, of being held so close by Jesus. The call to prepare, watch and wait for the arrival of these gifts, this belonging, as the days grow shorter, darker, and colder can seem like just too much. When it does, choose to pause, feel your feet on the ground and allow the glory of God’s imminent gift to us, Jesus, fill you and lighten your way.