This is the day that the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad.
We are grateful to have you worship with us.
let us know you are here!
We are so grateful to offer virtual services and hope you will click below to let us know that you worshipped with us today.
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Please consider leaving something in our virtual offering plate. We appreciate your support and thank you for your generosity.
You can also view our services on our YouTube channel. Closed-captioning is available here by enabling the auto-caption feature.
Let us be your partners in prayer.
Intercessory prayer is a ministry of presence, in which the intercessor prays to God on behalf of another. Intercessors welcome petitioners, those who have something to ask of God, and help them find the right words. Through brief dialog with someone who has a petition, the petitioner and the intercessor collaborate on placing the petition before God.