“All of our humanity is dependent upon recognizing the humanity in others.”
The Need
Slightly more than 4 in 10 Arlington residents in the $60,000 and under income group are experiencing food insecurity. Roughly 75,000 of our neighbors fall into this income category. Ours is one of the wealthiest areas in the country, and yet many of our neighbors have limited or uncertain access to food. You can read more about food insecurity in Arlington by visiting the Arlington Food Assistance Center website.
The Story
Saint George’s Food Pantry is the longest-running food pantry in Arlington County (25 years as of 2014!). Its roots go back to a time when clergy casually handed out food on demand to hungry neighbors who frequented Saint George's doors. When these visits started happening many times a day, the congregation recognized the increased need for food assistance and felt a call to action. Volunteers from the congregation formed a committee and, in 1989, the Food Pantry was born.
Current Hours of Operation
St. George's Food Pantry is currently open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:00 pm to 1:00pm.
How to Get Involved
It is estimated that St. George's Food Pantry will serve more than 11,000 people this year. There is plenty of valuable and joyful work to be done. Volunteers work at the Food Pantry during operating hours, providing food, hot and cold drinks, smiles, conversation, Bibles upon request, and a place for respite in the chapel. Volunteer shifts are from 11:45am-1:15pm Monday through Friday. Volunteers are also needed to shop for food, shelve it, and lend support in other ways. If you are interested in volunteering or in just learning more, please contact Lisa Roepe.
Donate Now
Donations to the Food Pantry are also very much needed and appreciated. You may make a monetary donation here, or you may send your donation to the church office at the following address: 915 N. Oakland St., Arlington, VA, 22203. Please indicate that it is meant for the Food Pantry.
The Food Pantry is always in need of staples. Consider donating the following items: cases of bottled water, socks, travel size shampoos, conditioner, bath soap, Chap Stick, lotion, deodorant, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. You may bring these to the church office or have them mailed directly to Saint George’s Food Pantry.