Opportunities to Give this Christmas Season
Samaritan Ministries
The Samaritan Ministry will hold a Christmas Open House on 12/12/2018 at their NoVa office. This year they plan to provide each single participant a $25 gift card and participants with children a $25 gift card for each child. We are asking for $25 gift cards from: Walmart, Target, Old Navy, Giant and/or Safeway. Mark Gift Cards for Samaritan Ministry Open house and place in the collection basket, Outreach box # 27 , or given to Maria Melton or Ed Mott after worship services.
HOST Christmas Party
St. George's has a Christmas party for the HOST clients where we supply Christmas treats, warm clothing, and McDonald's gift cards. Donations to help cover the cost of these items would be much appreciated! You can donate online at www.gofundme.com/host-annual-christmas-party. You can also place your donations in the collection basket or the Outreach Box in the Parish Office with attn to HOST/Maddy Weingast. To donate new or gently used warm clothing, place them in the donation box in the lobby.
Saint George’s Ministries
Clergy Discretionary Funds, Food Pantry, and Music Ministry Christmas Eve Musicians
Consider donating to one of these ministries to help fund their work through this Advent and Christmas Season. Checks may be made to Saint George’s with the particular ministry area in the memo line.
Flower Guild
As we wait with hope through the darkening days of December, give some thought to remember a loved one, celebrate a birth, anniversary or other life event by making a donation for flowers to welcome the infant Jesus and glorify God on Christmas. If you wish to make a dedication and donation, please visit the Flower Guild page https://www.saintgeorgeschurch.org/flower-guild/ and click on the words 'Donate Today." Your name and dedication will be added to the bulletin for Christmas.
Shop on Amazon Smile
AmazonSmile: St. George’s is enrolled as a charitable organization with AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com). By using AmazonSmile when you shop, and designating St. George's Episcopal, Arlington, as your charity, the church will get 0.5% of your purchases! (All your login information stays the same.) Please remember St George's when you shop on Amazon!