Holy Week Moments
Dear Friends,
As we approach the mysteries of Holy Week, my thoughts journey back to the Holy Week moments that have stayed with me, from years long ago. I remember the Lenten disciplines I took on for partially selfish reasons in my younger years. I think back on the Palms I used to play with after church with my friends. I’m reminded of the Maundy Thursday when I was first taught the basics of Contemplative Prayer in Christian tradition—when a half an hour felt like an impossibly long stretch, to sit and hold a short prayer in quiet, measured repetition. I’m reminded of the Good Friday services that left me thankful and ever-more attentive to God’s love and the uplifting beauty of our liturgy—even amid the tragedies of life. I’m mindful of the quiet anticipation of Holy Saturday, before the transformation of the Vigil. I’m thankful for the Easter flowers, bursting forth in all their glory, heralding the renewal of life with the fanfare of Easter brass.
Are there Holy Week memories that have stayed with you in your journey? I hope St. George’s can help you deepen and add to your library of liturgical experience this year.