God's Steadfast Love by Ike Emejuru, Vestry Member
As I approach the final days of summer, I always find myself at a moment of reflection. This year I reflect on the blessings and milestones that have occurred for my family. I reminisce about the beautiful birthday celebration that we planned for Mom in Southern California, the birth of my nephew, hanging out with old friends, catching up on recreational reading, and the summer days spent with my wife (it’s our first summer together as husband and wife).
But I also think about those who endured heartbreak this summer and those that cope with the final days of this season as a time of healing.
I am reminded of the victims and families of the victims in my hometown of Virginia Beach, Virginia, who started their summer with tragedy because of gun violence. I am similarly reminded of the victims and families of the victims in Gilroy, California, Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas and many of localities that have had their summer upended, due to gun violence.
The end of summer can almost feel like rounding the bases into a new year - we realize that the warm weather will soon be exchanged for cooler temperatures which may change our outlook, our activities and our plans. However, we know that no matter the season, the love from God does not change. I am reminded by Isaiah 54:10, which says, “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you”.
As we gear up for the busy fall at Saint George's, remember God's steadfast love is always present-even if we're too busy to recognize it.