
We are a sacramental people who seek to embody Christ, create community, and do justice.

We seek to embody Jesus’ heart and voice in Arlington and beyond.


When We Worship


8:00 am + Holy Eucharist Rite I + Nave

9:15 am + Holy Eucharist, Rite II + Front Lawn (Memorial Day through Labor Day)

10:30 am + Holy Eucharist, Rite II + Nave (with choir)*

4:00 pm + Evensong + Nave (First Sundays Oct-June)*


12:00 pm + Holy Eucharist Rite II + Nave

*These services are live-streamed and may be viewed online HERE.



What We Do



Reverent, inclusive, and intergenerational worship is at the heart of all we do as an Episcopal community. Join us, as we center ourselves and open our hearts to God’s presence in our lives and in the world.


Through music, we seek to praise God, grow in our God-given musical gifts, and through our work, inspire in others and experience in ourselves a deeper faith in Christ. Vibrant choirs for all ages, neighborhood partnerships, and concert series make room for all.


From small groups to Sunday school and everything in between, opportunities for children, youth, and adults to grow in the knowledge and love of God are woven naturally throughout our life together as a community.


Our commitment to the pursuit of justice rests in a call to join God’s work in the world. From outreach opportunities like our Food Pantry to the communal exploration of racial injustice, we take seriously God’s call to help the hurting and to address the causes of that hurt.


Who we are


We are a community of varied ages, genders, ethnic and racial backgrounds, nationalities and geographic origins, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, economic situations, family structures, abilities, and religious backgrounds.

We have life-long Virginians and those who will only be in the area for a short time. We are single, married, partnered, divorced, widowed, remarried and "it's complicated." We are clergy, community activists, bankers, photographers, artists, lawyers, architects, students, and everything in between.

Needless to say, if you show up you will most likely find someone like you (and, even better, build relationships with those who aren't).

We are an inclusive and vibrant community committed to loving and living the questions. All are welcome and valued.

Core Values Statement

Inclusive Worship

● We empower everyone at God's table: No exceptions.

● We engage fully all ages in the life of the community.

● Liturgy and music are central to our identity as a community of faith.

Growing in Faith

● We come together to deepen our understanding of God.

● We discern how Jesus calls us to live in the world.

Loving Others

● We create authentic community that is relational, not transactional.

● We follow Jesus' commandment to love our neighbors through service and



Going Deeper


Small Groups | House Church

House churches are small groups that meet to share joys and challenges, pray, and reflect on Scripture. They meet at various times of day throughout the week and are attended by a diversity of people. There is room for you!

Interested? Contact Julieanne Lindemann.


Life, community, and faith (lcf)

LCF class is a rich, multi-week, small group opportunity to explore your faith journey in a very intentional way. It is also for those exploring membership at Saint George's and for those wishing to be baptized, confirmed, received, or married at Saint George’s.

Interested? Contact Our Rector.



Our parish life is vibrant and our varied ministries offer opportunities to serve, to be formed, and to make deep and lasting connections with others. Whether your interest is worship support, feeding ministries, race and racial reconciliation, or something different, we invite you to explore your call and to connect more deeply.

Interested? Contact Our Associate Rector.



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We appreciate your support and thank you for your generosity.