The Excitement is Building!

Exciting times!

I love Lent, but even more, I love Holy Week.  Its liturgies, its stories, its music, its drama and the many services - all of it comprises the very center of our faith.  All of these things  help break apart the incredible story of our salvation, building upon each other in an excitement that grows from the foot of the cross to the empty tomb.  Christ invites us to be a part of this week, to fully experience each of these liturgies as we probe the depths of this most holy week.  Your invited and hope you will partake in this holy excitement.

Excitement is also building around Saint George’s, too.  Not only are we upon the most holy of weeks and the most important feast day of our faith, we are excited about vaccinations, about hopefully returning to worshiping together in some fashion very soon, and about the hopeful taming of this pandemic.  We are excited about the future of this church, about the great things our ministries are doing from children and youth to racial reconciliation, from social justice to music ministry, from feeding people and deepening our faith in small groups and much more.   Friends, we are “rockin it” and you know we are just going to rock out more in the coming year. 

Excitement is building, too, for the arrival of our new organ in June!  Our two largest stained glass windows have been fully restored and shine brightly.  The Nave has been prepared and the expectant chamber and space lay ready for the “birth” of this new instrument for worship.  If you haven’t had a chance to see the many photos from Martin’s shop, do check them out here! Through the incredible generosity of Saint Georgians and friends we have raised over $1.6 million for this project and have just $130,000 left to go.  We invite your contributions to help finish this project.  Visit to discover more about the organ and window restoration, what it means for us, and how you can contribute to the project.

Truly Lent has been a springtime for our souls!  May our hearts be filled with love and gratitude for all we have been given, for the death and glorious resurrection of Christ, and the fellowship we share in together as a community centered in Christ. 

Soli Deo Gloria,

Ben Keseley, Minister of Music