Watching for fireflies

Dear Friends,

Two nights ago, I had the loveliest experience.  I went for a nighttime walk and discovered that it was very different from my usual early morning walks.  The main thing was that it was so quiet.  The peacefulness enveloped me as I strolled along and I felt God very near.    

A summer night brings particular gifts and the greatest of these for me is lightening bugs, also known as fireflies.  

I always look forward to the first lightening bugs of summer.   They usually show up in our yard in early to mid June.  For me, they are a sign of God’s delight.  As I was growing up, I would catch them and put them in a jar with holes poked in the lid.  I learned over the years that it was best to leave them free and admire them from afar.  They bring me so much joy and help me connect with childlike wonder.  

With everything going on in our world crying for attention, it is also important to slow down and notice the beauty of creation.  It can be so restorative for our parched souls.  Cultivating this kind of attentiveness can also be a form of prayer.  

So many people that I have talked to over the past several weeks are very overwhelmed and deeply fatigued.  We need to take time for rest, taking a break from the constant demands of the day so that we can come back to them refreshed and able to start anew.  

I pray that this holiday week-end will be a time when we are able to slow down and give thanks for the gift of creation.  If you aren’t able to go to your normal fireworks and cook-outs because of physical distancing, you can always take in a quieter but no less beautiful light show by watching for fireflies.  

I look forward to being together in virtual church this Sunday.  

Yours in Christ,